Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I have been so BUSY that I forgot to blog about being busy. :) I'm not used to having a blog about......well.....anything!

Lord DTac (haha) took me to Great Lakes Fiber show. Not necessarily a good idea......

From left to right: 3 1/2lb bags of ecru merino roving, 5.8oz of a beautiful peachy colors merino roving, 2.2oz of green/tan Corriedale roving, a braid of superwash merino in the most gorgeous colors, 2 2oz balls of mohair/romney roving, and two little pieces of merino roving!

It was VERY hard to leave. What was especially nice: being around so many people that share the same passion in fiber. VERY cool. Some people's eyes glaze over when I start talking about YARN. 

YARN?????? OMG who cares...... wellllllll when I show someone this:

Well, you can obviously see why I love yarn so much. "Glorious Morning Shawl" This pic was taken after I got all of the blocking pins in. I dyed this yarn as well. Colorway is called "What's your poison?"

And all that fluff in the first pic????? Well, that gets made into yarn.

This is fiber I spun into yarn on a top whirl drop spindle.......and yes, I made that spindle myself :)

DISCLAIMER: To my fiber friends......I know you all know about everything I just posted. I am just sharing :)

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